Casino Ça vient d’ici

Our specialist brand for Regional and Local French origin

Flammekueche from Alsace, Brioche vendéenne, bleu d’Auvergne, Ravioles du Dauphiné… France is full of gastronomic treasures! The Casino Ca vient d’Ici brand honors the best specialties of each region to (re) discover the good taste of our culinary heritage.

French regions are represented in a wide range of products which bear/display all the official signs of quality (Label Rouge, Protected geographical indication …). Drinks, fresh produce, catering, sweet and savory groceries … More than 110 products available.

These authentic products are elaborated in their region or with local in local ingredients, in accordance with/respecting the know-how and the traditional methods of production.
The little point on the map indicates the exact production site of the product. A way to display its origins proudly! 

Aspirational range close to our french roots

Origin is a key driver of quality perception
Modern tone vs old fashioned approach used for marketing of traditional products
The location is indicated on the packaging